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Morse code revisited; on IPhone!

Morse code revisited; on iPhone!

Morse code revisited; on iPhone. Google has introduced a Gboard feature in the Google app store to let you communicate through the Morse code on the iOS platform.Wondering about the term Morse code? It’s just like the way Android users are seen dotting and dashing away since May.

The giant claims that it can train you in the language in just one hour if you dare check out Google’s new typing trainer. So, hurry up and download the new feature from the iOS Appstore or Google Play.

Let yourself be aware that the Android version also allows users to attach external switches to the device, a feature that can enable disable persons to communicatee in an easier way.

Installing it on Android? Open up the settings app on your device and scroll down and tap on System, followed by tappingLanguages & input.

Then tap on the Virtual keyboard option, followed by Gboard, and consecutively the Languages option. Tap on the English (US) and scroll through the list of keyboards until you reach Morse code, all the way to the right.

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Following open the Morse code option and scroll down a bit of the supplemental options for the keyboard appearing below the Morse code. You have done enabling sounds when you tap a dot or a dash.

The process is not differenton iOS, but it is much less confusing there. In case you haveoonce gone through the basics to enable Gboard on your iPhone, you have to pull up the app and tap on the “Languages” option. Then tap on “Add language,” and scroll down until you find Morse code.

Now, tap Morse code option to select it, you will get the sounds of your dots and dashes automatically, but you can disable them in the app’s Keyboard settings screen.

Ready to start tapping on the Morse keyboard? Head over to Google’s Morse Typing Trainer to start learning letters &words.

Google’s training tool prompts you with fun little mnemonic devices you can use to remember which combination of dotsand dashes corresponds with each letter.

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