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It’s fun to play Tetris on Twitter with it’s 280-character limit

According to the official announcement of Twitter it has doubled the previous 140 characters limit for all of the Twitter users.

Twitter was considering increase of the character limit since at least last year.

Finally, in September 2017, the company announced the plan and started giving the long-tweet superpower to some test users of Twitter.

The people spent several weeks  tweeting about how much they hate the idea of expanded character limits.

A Twitter spokesperson Aliza Rosen in a blog post wrote that in the days after the trial began, “many people Tweeted the full 280 limit because it was new and novel, but soon after behavior normalized.”

 But now 280-Character Tweets have made to play Tetris possible on Twitter.

And now this normal behaviour is going to get replaced by a fantastic activity. And arrival of the new 280-character limit on Twitter will not be taken to be useless but a way to enjoy Twitter.

Now we can use this multi-billion dollar platform as one imaginative developer has shown us the way to play Tetris, making it the perfect way to forget about all the Nazis.

Salvatore Aiello , over the weekend, did upload a project to GitHub that allowed anyone on Twitter to control a slow moving game of Tetris by tweeting at his account, ” @TwtPlayTetris “.

The account takes advantage of the robust new character limit, and uses Braille unicode to form the iconic Tetris block shapes.

 Anyone of the Twitter users could mention @TwtPlayTetris in a tweet and type LEFT RIGHT ROTATE or DROP to control what the next move will be.

Like Twitch Plays Pokemon, an algorithm would tally the votes and would determine the command the people does chose, sending out a fresh tweet with progress of the game.

Unfortunately, the account is not working at the moment .

 Aiello said in a recent tweet that his API key had been revoked for some reason and he is working to get it reinstated.

But to play crowd-sourced Tetris is just part of the point. People in a large number are playing  Connect Four, Chess, Go, and others through tweets right now.

 You should all be inspired to adapt one of your favorite old school game so that we can finally get rid of retweets, tweetstorms, quote tweets, and attempts to launch a nuclear war.

In other words we can say that it is time for some game theory.

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