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Google confirms that the dark mode does wonders when it comes to battery life!

Google confirms that the dark mode does wonders when it comes to battery life!

Google confirms. Well it is a known fact that the dark mode or the night mode in your case does a lot when it comes to reducing battery consumption on phones which come with the OLED display system. This fact suits both Android and IOS phones and devices. This is mainly because the individual pixels have less to do on the dark areas of your screen and hence once you turn on the Night mode they practically don’t consume any battery at all when the display is all black and turned off.

This week however during the Android Dev Summit google reviewed the battery consumption of individual colors, several of them actually to compare each colors battery consumption with the other and Google tested their theories on their Pixel phones. We found out that the colors which are closest to the theme of white consume the most power and these tests showed Google the prominence that white might have across their own applications and within Android guidelines this fact is less then the ideal outcome Google desires.

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Well fortunately for Google they do some things right. They know  the importance of the night mode on mobile phone and if you do not know YouTube and the Android messages already have such a feature and Google is also set to launch this feature to its phone app and is in testing stages for its Google newsfeed. Android are also preparing to give this feature in the quick settings pull down and the app drawer but as of right now Google has not gone too far as they have not launched a system wide night mode as yet but Samsung may very well make that easier on them by producing this along with their new UI.

All in all the night mode has helped a lot in reducing power consumption for the users. As an android user it is necessary to have a feature which helps with reducing unnecessary power consumption so Google has done well in that corner of technology.

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