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What is about to follow might be too tech-y for some but trust me, when you understand it, it is certainly going to make life easy for you. Disk partitions are basically dividing the storage of your hard disk into different parts, just like folders. This makes categorization of files easier and if you are to delete some data, you can just delete the particular data without having to go through the hassle of finding each individual file and deleting it or running the risk of losing all the data. Similarly, hard disk partitions not only allow to keep data in separate, more organized way but also to prevent the loss of data in case of a system reset or when you plan on installing new windows. So here’s the deal:

  1. Open Disk management from the search bar. This will open a window with all the drives that you currently have mentioned. The most likely scenario is that you will have a single C drive with your windows installed. So any programs that you install later are also installed on the same device and when you reinstall windows you have to do it all over again. I am going to rid you of that hassle.
  2. Secondly, now comes the numbers game. First to check the size of your drive and then dividing it according to your needs. For example you have a 1TB device. You can allocate 700GB for the other drive and keep 300GB for Windows because cached files also take up space and it is always good to have more than a few extra GBs lying around.


  1. Now comes the important part. Right clicking on the current drive, gives you the option of shrinking and extending the volume. This basically means increasing or decreasing the storage. Right now, we’ll focus on the decreasing the storage by assigning some of it to a separate partition. Select the shrink volume.
  2. The setup that follows enables you to select the size that you want to deallocate. Be careful, since the size is in bytes, so do the conversions carefully. After deallocating the storage, you will have unused space left.
  3. Double click the unused space and the setup will convert it into a drive by assigning it a letter. That’s it! You’re done!

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