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Motorola carried out its Moto Mod 5G Test and well misled a lot of viewers

Motorola carried out its Moto Mod 5G Test and well misled a lot of viewers

So 5G has been the theme of the Qualcomm summit which took place in Hawaii. The USA established company who deals with CPU chipsets and are well known to be one of the best in the business released their very first 5G equipped mobile SoC namely the Snapdragon 855. Moreover the company was looking to target journalists and media in order for the company to convey the message that 5G will be of significant importance and will start to have an impact on the world as soon as next year. At the summit in Hawaii, Motorola gave the people a glimpse of the capability that the 5G network will possess, and demonstrated its prototype 5G moto mod which they installed in a Moto Z3 and moreover the media were allowed to test the mod themselves by allowing them to download 1GB files in a the Motorola application.

Moreover the reporters who tested the mod started achieved speeds of up to 470Mbps. However it has now been reported that the 5G network was actually running at speeds of about 130-140Mbps which is much lower than the 5Gbps that has been promised for the 5G network. Moreover it is also reported that there were two main factors that would make the 5G test much less significant, number 1, the 1GB files that were being downloaded at the demo at the event were coming from a on-site server and not actually the internet which means that this was not a “real” performance experiment.

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Furthermore the files were also under-going the process of compression which means that the files under discussion could have easily been shrunk by at least 40 percent before the actual data transfer took place. The Motorala officials on this matter stated that the compression was a mere coincidence which happens all the time even in real-world usage and what is important for the consumer is the file itself, but these cannot be two excuses for a real-world 5G test because with compression, it would be impossible to actually get a factual measure of the 5G speed capability.

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