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Punjab Government launches drone technology in farming sector

Punjab Government launches drone technology in farming sector

Punjab Government launches drone technology in farming sector. What would be the life saving factor for a drowning economy? The answer is simple, pay more attention to the backbone sector of the country’s economy. We all know that Pakistan is an agricultural land and it is the largest sector of our economy.

A big part of the population is associated with this occupation and most of the people here are connected to the agriculture directly or indirectly. As it plays a vital role in the growth of the country and big part of economy rely on it.

The irony is being an agricultural land our agricultural practices are not up to the mark. In Pakistan farmers are still using old methods to get things done.

Due to larger trend of farming, some rapid growth had been seen in the agriculture industry.

In order to improve the farming, Punjab government has taken an initiative and announced to use drone technology in this sector. The use of this technology will boost the output and improve the economic growth.

A farmer has to submit an application to the Deputy Director of agriculture for permission to use drones. Permission letter will be awarded to farmers after the appropriate analysis of farming land.

How it will work?

A drone is a controlling and powerful aerial vehicle. In simple words, it’s a flying robot (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle – UAV) that can be distantly controlled via remote or can fly independently by means of its sensors and GPS.

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The purpose of this technology is providing the farmers additional ways to have a survey on their fields, to do spraying and to examine the geographical and weather changes in the region.

This technology would be effective and efficient it will save water, time and labor as well and can advance the irrigation processes.

These drones are will also be capable to gather the data both biological as well as environmental. It can boost the quantity and quality of agriculture foods and farming.

These UAV’s would perk up the technique of spraying at fields as these drones are five times faster than conventional spray methods.

Government of Punjab needs to launch more projects and technologies to connect the farmers with the modern technologies. In order to get better result in farming sector, Pakistan needs latest technology oriented techniques.

The use of this drone technology would certainly ease farmers’ ways of production. The farmers will realize and appreciate the importance of these technologies once they are capable to witness their power.

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