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What does countries receive the most foreign aid?

What does countries receive the most foreign aid?

Foreign aid refers to resources that are given from one country to another – and these resources range from the likes of money, to the likes of materials and also manpower. Foreign aid especially becomes useful in times of emergency  – which may include some natural disasters.

Many countries take part in the foreign aid process, with some being on the giving end, while others being on the receiving end. Indeed the US happens to be the top donor country as the superpower donated almost $35 billion in foreign aid in 2017 alone. Other countries are also includes in this giving process, and these include the likes of the UK, Sweden, and other European countries too such as Italy and Germany.

But back on the other side of the picture, which countries are there to be seen on the receiving end of all this foreign aid that happens to be given out? Well, the list is quite extensive. Many countries strive towards economic stability because this is amongst the major factors thereby which a country is well and truly thought to be a superpower. Economic stability is an ambition of many, however, not all are too fortunate towards this goal.

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And so to help their economy as well as other parts such as military services, developing countries often look towards the big boys in the superpowers so as to provide them with funds needed to boost any such practices. This is the reason why majority of the developing countries often see to it that they receive aid from all the countries that are willing to give it out.

But exactly which countries seek the aid? Well, while it may surprise you, it is India that happens to be on the receiving end of the highest amount of foreign aid that is given out – the number coming out to be $4.21 billion. While the top ten list also employs other developing countries such as Bangladesh and Turkey, it is rather surprising that India receives even more than the war-struck countries such Afghanistan and Syria. It also may surprise you to know that Pakistan is no where to be seen in the top ten list of the biggest receivers of such aid.

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